The handwritten recipe is featured with a crystal bowl filled with sliced pineapple. A rose and smoky quartz are scattered on the book with two shallow bowls of dried ginger and dried turmeric powder natural light.

Sagittarius Smile Kombucha

Sagittarius Season is November 23 – December 21 and those with a Sun sign in Sagittarius have super high emotional intelligence and can light up any room. With this in mind, I developed Sagittarius Smile Kombucha as a liquid representation of that happy-go-lucky exterior.

Sagittarius Smile Kombucha tastes a bit like ginger ale and is packed with antioxidants. Thanks to sweet and delicious pineapple, it also offers some Vitamin C. Boost this baby up with freshly or powdered turmeric and ginger root powder. Add just a crack of black pepper to finish Sagittarius Smile Kombucha for a perfect finish.