In natural light, a bear-shaped bottle of honey lays on a table next to shallow bowls containing dried rose petals, thawed frozen raspberries and cloves. Scattered next to the bowls are small stalks of cinnamon and a few sprigs of fresh rosemary.

Lust Potion Kombucha

The hot days of late summer feel can lend a sultry type of feeling πŸ’—

My Lust Potion Kombucha recipe calls upon your own personal inner identity, awakening your heart’s desires. The special blend of rose petals, spices, fresh herbs, and deep juices of raspberry merge in a special way.

Pop open a Lust Potion Kombucha, sit back, and smile as you reflect on your manifestation goals… what you REALLY want.

  • Dried, culinary rose petals (1 tbsp)
  • Raspberry – thawed frozen, or fresh (2 tbsp)
  • One clove – dried
  • Dash of cinnamon
  • Honey – local honey (1 squirt)
  • Rosemary – one fresh sprig (small tip works best)

Happy 18th Anniversary, Eric! I love you so much! πŸ’– September 10, 2023

See my related Love Potion Kombucha for more potion inspiration!

a variety of washed violet and pansy flowers are scattered on a paper towel to dry.

Crystal Visions Kombucha

We know April showers bring May flowers – let’s utilize springtime edible flowers like pansies and violets to make a truly special kombucha! When grown and harvested without fertilizers, these flowers are edible and fun to implement in kombucha, such as Crystal Visions Kombucha.

Add these homegrown petals to this special recipe; they lend a deep, sweet flavor. A small chunk of crystallized ginger is the hidden star of this very special kombucha. Utilize frozen fruits like strawberries and cherries in this homemade kombucha to round out the flavor as you make room for the incoming harvest ahead.

  • Violets and/or pansies – dried (1 flower)
  • Crystallized ginger – 1 chunk, about the size of the tip of your pinky finger
  • Strawberry – fresh, or frozen and thawed (1 tbsp)
  • Cherry – fresh, or frozen and thawed (1 tbsp)
  • Dried, culinary rose petals (1 tbsp – optional)

More on Violets and Pansies

Pansies and violets are said to be natural protectors of a garden. I like to plant some pots around my garden’s perimeter to keep negative spirits away. I habitually place pots of violets and pansies in cool patches. The pots help me ensure they aren’t affected by fertilizers, and flowers pop up annually in a vast array of blues and purples.

When the blossoms are full, pop off the heads at the base with your thumb.

Place flowers in a colander and rinse off thoroughly.

Arrange flowers in a single layer on a dry paper towel and place them in an undisturbed area, allowing the petals to dry fully.

As a note, violet and pansy roots are not edible! But they sure are cool to look at.

Violets and pansies leaves can be used raw – add them to salads and charcuterie boards for a special flair! I prefer to add dried leaves to kombucha and hot tea.

Cherry and rosehip and rose petals displayed

Love Potion Kombucha

My Love Potion Kombucha recipe uses items from the heart to provide a super-special touch to homemade kombucha. Gathering a rich taste from juicy, dark red cherries, homebrewers can make this potion with ingredients dedicated explicitly to love, affection, romance ❀

A small bag of culinary rose petals is terrific for making a perky tea or liven-up baked goods. A staple in my pantry, I like to use a few rose petals in kombucha when I want a delicate, slightly sweet, earthy taste. 

Dried hibiscus petals are robust and offer a tangy, nearly sour addition to kombucha. And a crushed, dried rosehip ties it all together with its sweet and tart taste.

  • Dried, culinary rose petals (1 tsp)
  • Dark red cherries – frozen, thawed (2 tbsp)
  • Hibiscus – dried culinary petals (3 petals)
  • Rosehip – Dried, crushed to release the good stuff (1)

Make this love potion kombucha with special intentions focused on the true love in your life, and listen to your heart. Enjoy each sip with thoughtful gratitude and appreciation for the love language you have created ❀‍